A Domain Name Marketing Tip from The Toxic Avenger
Here is a marketing tip that is not in the book, but is something that I am doing to help market the book. While by night I am the author of the toxic tales told in Everything I Know about Business and Marketing, I Learned from THE TOXIC AVENGER, by day I am the CMO of .CLUB Domains. We are the operator of the new domain name extension .CLUB, an alternative to having a web address that ends in .com, .net, etc.
As you may know, there are over 1,000 new domain name extension choices now, and many of them, like .CLUB, .Design, .blog, .shop, and others, have actual meaning. They are not just generic. Using a domain name that has meaning and relevance on both sides of the dot can be a powerful marketing tool. And to take advantage of the power of a relevant, easy to remember, domain name you don’t necessarily have to switch from your primary web address. There are many ways a clever, memorable domain name can act as an easily marketable shortcut to an existing online destination. A memorable domain can easily point to a deep link within an existing website, or even be used as a shortcut to a Facebook page or other social platform.
Here’s how I am leveraging a custom domain name as a shortcut to my book on Amazon.com. As a marketer, my primary goal is to get you to go to Amazon.com and buy my book, and I want that process to be as easy and seamless as possible. Sure, you can go to Amazon and search for my book by the title or by my name as the author, but I want to save you that step. But, the link to my book on Amazon is not something I can easily tell you about. It is:
Try saying that out loud in a podcast interview… Not very user-friendly or memorable. As noted above, the title of my book is Everything I Know about Business and Marketing, I Learned from THE TOXIC AVENGER. A shorter, logical nickname for the book could easily be “Toxic Avenger Marketing” so I registered the domain name www.ToxicAvenger.marketing and set it to re-direct to the book’s page on Amazon. Now, if you type in “ToxicAvenger.marketing” in a web browser, in one click you end up here:

www.ToxicAvenger.marketing >>> https://www.amazon.com/Everything-Business-Marketing-Learned-AVENGER/dp/1544219245/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1493773080&sr=1-1
So, for a modest investment of only $10.17 per year (thanks to GoDaddy‘s discount domain club), I now have an easy, relevant and memorable way to send folks right to my book’s page on Amazon.com.
With all the great domain extension choices now, what clever domains could you be using as marketing shortcuts?