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Talking Business, Marketing & Toxie on the #ChansLogic Podcast

Chandler Walker is a walking example of motivation. He runs the successful StoneAgeFuel School of Fitness in Reno Nevada, as well as the StoneAgeFuel Barbell Club and StoneAgeFuel Youth Weightlifting and Sports Performance. He is also the host of the ChansLogic Podcast, where Chandler talks about marketing, motivation, management and more.

I enjoyed chatting with Chandler about my book, Everything I Know about Business and Marketing, I Learned from THE TOXIC AVENGER, and how the lessons I learned making mixed up movies are applicable to all businesses. We also share some valuable tips on leadership, management, and culture. I think it was a good interview and hope you’ll check it out.

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN to #ChansLogic EP 20 – Jeffrey Sass and The Toxic Avenger