
“Teeming With Anecdotal Gems Of Guidance Regarding Business And Marketing” – Great Review on

As an author working hard to gain exposure and popularity for my book, REVIEWS are critically important and greatly appreciated – especially when they are positive! I am grateful for all the 5-star reviews the book has received on (please leave one if you’ve read and enjoyed the book).

This week a great review was published on Not only is the review very positive, but the reviewer, Robert Heaney, had never heard of Troma before, and is not a professional marketer or business person. Still, he found the book, “a thoroughly enjoyable and educational read.

Regardless of whether or not you’re looking for guidance on improving and building up a business, readers will doubtless come out with a wealth of business-related knowledge previously unknown to them (in addition to a lot of Troma trivia).

It was encouraging and rewarding for me to read this review as it reflects my goal for the book – to appeal to both fans of Troma, and folks who have never heard of Troma, and to provide valuable insights and entertainment to all readers. According to this reviewer, I have accomplished that goal. 🙂

You can read the full review here.

If you have read the book and enjoyed it, please leave a review on Amazon. It helps a lot, especially when a book has 100 or more reviews. If you haven’t read the book, please consider buying it, or if you prefer, you can read it for free (over time, chapter by chapter) here and on Medium.